A prayer group of Kerala Catholic Charismatic Renewal has been functioning at St. Andrew’s Basilica for more than 25 years. The prayer group assembles on every Sunday from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm for the weekly prayer. The prayer consists of praise and worship and intercession. They also gather before the Eucharistic Lord on first Sundays for adoration. The other activities include Christeen Retreat for children on 2nd Saturdays and couples fellowship on last Sundays. Mr. Mathachan Aresseril is the leader of the group and he is assisted by a core committee.
Arthunkal Basilica
Arthunkal P.O
Cherthala, Alappuzha,
Kerala, India.
PIN: 688 530
Tel: +91 9400152374
+91 478 2573560, 2572374
+91 9744663560 (Rector)
E: arthunkalbasilica2010@gmail.com