The Society of St Vincent de Paul is an international voluntary organization in the Catholic Church, founded in 1833 for the sanctification of its members by personal service of the poor.Innumerable Catholic parishes have established "conferences", most of which affiliate with a diocesan council. Among its varied efforts to offer material help to the poor or needy, the Society also has thrift stores which sell donated goods at a low price and raise money for the poor. There are a great variety of outreach programs sponsored by the local conferences and councils, addressing local needs for social services.
The society works for the sanctification of its members by personal service to the poor. There are two St. Vincent De Paul Conferences, one for men and another for women functioning at St. Andrew’s Basilica. These conferences are affiliated to Alleppey Diocesan Council. These conferences are driven by true Christian charity. The Arthunkal Conferences have always been in the forefront in offering material help to the poor and needy. They have adopted families and children whom they provide regular financial assistance. The men’s conference put up a stall to sell religious articles during Arthunkal Perunnal and the income generated through it is used for giving scholarships for children and assisting the marriage of poor women. During Christmas and Easter Season theses conferences distribute Christmas and Easter Gifts to the needy.
Arthunkal Basilica
Arthunkal P.O
Cherthala, Alappuzha,
Kerala, India.
PIN: 688 530
Tel: +91 9400152374
+91 478 2573560, 2572374
+91 9744663560 (Rector)